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Geelong Regional Libraries
Poetry Prize - Entries Now Open
Geelong Regional Libraries and Deakin University have announced the Geelong Regional Libraries (GRLC) and Deakin University Local Word Poetry Prize.

Creative Australia
International Rights Fund For Literature
Support is available for literary agents, rights managers and publishers to attend international markets such as book fairs to sell…

Creative Australia
Translation Fund for Literature
Support for international publishers to translate Australian works by living authors of creative writing, and Australian publishers to translate non-English…

Queensland Writers Centre
Adaptable: Turning the Page to Screen
Ever dreamt of seeing your stories adapted for the silver screen?

The Japan Foundation, Sydney
Translated Publications Grant
Apply through the Online Application Portal by 1 p.m., December 3, 2024 (Japan Standard Time) This grant provides assistance to publishing…

Verge 2025 Callout
Verge 2025 is seeking Australian writers’ submissions that creatively responds to the theme ‘blue’ through short fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, experimental…

Creative Australia
Kathleen Mitchell Literary Award
The Kathleen Mitchell Award is presented biennially to the author, aged 30 or under, of an outstanding novel or novella…

Creative Australia
Dal Stivens Literary Award
The Dal Stivens Award is presented biennially to an author, aged 30 or under, for a short story or essay…

Varuna, the National Writers' House
First Peoples India-Australia Exchange
First Nations writers are invited to apply for the opportunity to connect with Adivasi writers from India, first in residence…

Arts NT
Northern Territory Arts Grants Program 2024-25
Arts NT recognises that creativity, culture and the arts are integral to thriving communities, to supporting health and wellbeing, and…