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McGlade Gallery
Recirculate: a sustainable art show
19 artists make art sustainable in unexpected ways

The Johnston Collection
'Only a lock of hair’: Love, mourning and memory with Dr Angela Hesson
Examine the evolution of mourning jewels and love tokens from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century.

The Johnston Collection
The Eighteenth-Century Royal Mistress: Arbiter of Taste with Paola Di Trocchio
Discover how Madame de Pompadour contributed to French culture with her sophisticated collecting, particularly in the realm of tapestries and…

Central Goldfields Art Gallery
The Art of Gold - Treasures from the National Gallery of Australia
Golden treasures on loan from the National Gallery of Australia. These jewellery items include goldrush and contemporary jewellery that are…

UNSW School of Art & Design
The Annual 2024
The Annual is Australia’s largest showcase of graduate art and design, launching a new generation of creative practitioners from the…